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Three workshops on longitudinal data with local public authorities in Moldova

Aliona Cristei

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

As part of COORDINATE project, three informative sessions with local public authorities have been conducted in Fălești, Anenii Noi and Cahul, Republic of Moldova (covering North, Center and South of the country). The purpose of the training was to increase understanding and awareness of non-academic stakeholders about longitudinal data use for policy development, specifically on the use of the Generations and Gender survey data (round 2020, Moldova).

About 75 representatives of LPAs and Social Protection Departments participated to these sessions during February-March 2023. The training was led by AlionaCristei, UNFPA Programme Analyst of Population and Development, who presented the beneficiaries of longitudinal data and how to access GGS data for better planning local initiatives and services. Also, the participants were familiarized about other sources of longitudinal data and did some practical exercises on how to analyze data considering differences by age, sex, residence etc. The training had interactive sessions that allowed participants to use GGS data to showcases the local problems and go through problem analysis. As a result of this training, the participants identified structural and institutional recommendations to respond to people’s needs.

The biggest challenge faced by participants is difficulties to analyze statistical data by disaggregation criteria, no experience in processing and analyzing tables of frequencies and cross-tabs, no experience in working with figures etc. Special materials were developed to support participants to understand the data and how to make use of them.

All three training were completed successfully and provided interesting ideas on the local needs to be developed/improved based on evidence from GGS. The training sessions were conducted with the support of UNFPA in partnership with Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, as part of “Digital skills connect generations” funded by Czech Republic.


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