The information regarding this summer school came to me from a fellow researcher at my Institute – Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar in Zagreb, Croatia, who is participating in the COORDINATE project. As I am working on the project “Longitudinal Adolescent Stress Study” in which we are following high school students though several waves, I saw this as an excellent opportunity to deepen my understanding and knowledge of longitudinal research and data analyses.
Moreover, this year we started with the project entitled “Psychosocial climate and individual characteristics of prisoners and prison officers in penal institutions in Croatia: multi-method approach”, within which we are planning on tracking criminal careers of selected prisoners, so the topic of the Summer School sounded perfect for this project as well. My application was successful, and I had the honor of participating in this Summer School in Barcelona. The lectures had a lot of knowledge and experience to offer, and the exercises we were working on were adjusted to different needs of Summer School participants. The Summer School materials we were given were systematic and useful, and the lectures were at our disposal for any additional questions. I especially appreciated the lecturers’ flexibility and friendly approach. There were also some good opportunities for networking with other researchers who attended the Summer School.

Although I believed this Summer School would be beneficial primarily for my work on the “Longitudinal Adolescent Stress Study”, it turned out the knowledge I gained will be of especial value in analyzing criminal careers within the “Psychosocial climate and individual characteristics of prisoners and prison officers in penal institutions in Croatia: multi-method approach” in the following years.
Anja Wertag, PhD
Senior Research Associate
Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar
Marulićev trg 19/1
10000 Zagreb