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Gains, Impressions and Impact: My Experience at the Life Course Research and Sequence Analysis Workshop in Barcelona

Christina Koretsidou  

Updated: Dec 30, 2024

I am Christina, a PhD student at University College Dublin, working on youth and especially on sexual  harassment in higher education. Very early in my PhD journey, I realised the importance of continuous  development and broadening my knowledge in research. That is why the 3rd annual COORDINATE  summer school on life course research and sequence analysis in Barcelona seemed like an ideal  opportunity. 

Among all the topics and approaches covered in the workshop, the most essential takeaway for me  was the familiarisation with the theory of life course research. This understanding now allows me to  better interpret relevant studies. The significance of this knowledge stems from the fact that, as social  science researchers, we must understand individuals as products of their experiences throughout their  development. This process is naturally influenced by social factors, as well as the time period in which  they were born and raised. I believe that this way of thinking is essential for approaching the human  experience, regardless of the specific area of psychology in which we work.  

The exploration of both the theory and relevant methodology, particularly through the use of R, took  place in a calm and stimulating learning environment—something I always appreciate. This setting  allowed ample room for questions, discussions among participants, and explanations using various  methods, such as examples. The expertise and willingness of the coordinators to support us were also  aspects of the workshop that I truly enjoyed. 

I believe that the workshop will be an important asset to my research career, particularly as I focus  on youth issues. Firstly, as mentioned above, it enhances a holistic understanding of individuals and  their developmental pathways. This is especially relevant for youth, a period characterized by  transitions, during a time of constant societal change. It's essential to take all these factors into  account. Additionally, I now have the ability to apply similar analytical techniques in my research.  Finally, the workshop made me aware of the potential for collaboration with researchers from other  disciplines, such as statisticians, educators, and sociologists. 

In conclusion, this workshop was a significant addition to my early career and professional  development. I am really happy I had the chance to attend!  

Christina Koretsidou  

PhD candidate 

University College Dublin


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