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[EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS] Apply to become a champion trainer on longitudinal studies

Marina Gabor

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

ARE YOU PASSIONNATE ABOUT LONGITUDINAL DATA AND KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE? COORDINATE is looking for national champions to deliver an Introductory Course on Longitudinal and Cohort Data to Non-scientific Users.

As part of the COORDINATE project, we are organizing a 2-day “train the trainer” workshop on Delivering an Introductory Course on Longitudinal and Cohort Data to Non-scientific Users. The workshop will be held in The Hague in the Netherlands in September. In return, the trainers will be expected to give the training to non-scientific stakeholders in their countries (3 to 4 times).

The trainers (national champions) are expected to:

- Have prior experience in the use of longitudinal data

- Have excellent communication skills (with prior teaching experience as an asset)

- Be committed to working with non-scientific stakeholders

- Be willing to attend the two-day workshop and to teach the course in their country.

For this workshop, we will in principle select only one person per country. The workshop will be restricted to a maximum of ten reimbursed participants.

Time and Location

15 Sept, 09:00 – 16 Sept, 16:00

Lange Houtstraat 19, NL-2511 CV The Hague, The Netherlands

About the Workshop

The COORDINATE Workshop will be held at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) on 15-16 September, 2022, as part of the COORDINATE Project.

One of the aims of COORDINATE is to engagelongitudinal data users working outside the university environment. To achieve this, NIDI has prepared a 1 day introductory course on longitudinal and cohort datagenerated by the longitudinal and cohort studies involved in the COORDINATE project. The course will use interactive and participatory teaching methods and be accessible to all levels of data literacy. The aim is not to teach participants how to conduct research, but to help them to better understand the research that already is produced and its benefits.

Expected Outcomes of the Workshop

Participants will learn how to deliver a one day introductory course on longitudinal and cohort data to non-scientific users in their respective countries showing how to understand, interpret and use longitudinal data generated by the studies involved in the COORDINATE project. Participants will be able to identify policy relevant outcomes of such studies. Participants will also learn how to approach non-scientific audience among policy professionals based in NGOs and governmental bodies to enrol into the one day introductory course on longitudinal and cohort data.

Expected Involvement Post-Workshop

Post- workshop participants will be provided with the resources to hold a one day introductory course on longitudinal and cohort data to non-scientific users in cities in their own country. The materials of the course developed by NIDIwill be translated into national languages. The translation will be financed by NIDI, however participants are expected to check the quality of translations. 3-4 courses per country are envisaged. Small travel grants will be available to attendees of the course to travel to their local workshop. NIDI will also finance and support the development of online versions of the course in national languages to further disseminate the material and increase take up.


A total of 10 participants will be selected based on research experience, overall competence andtraining proposal. Applicants must have a contract or affiliation with a recognized academic or public institution, or a not-for-profit organisation registered in an EU member state or in an associated country.Researchers from COORDINATE partner institutions who are not involved in the COORDINATE project are eligible to apply. Early career researchers are eligible to apply as well.

Reimbursement is available for participantsupon delivery of receipts of expenditure to NIDI. Accommodation costs must not exceed 150 €per night and is excluded from the daily subsistence allowance.

To apply please send the following information in English, saved as Word (.docx) or .pdf files:

1. Curriculum vitae

2. Summary of current child or adolescent research experience or experience with longitudinal and/or cohort studies to date (max ½ page)

3. Short motivation letter indicating the reasons why wanting to join the workshop and indicating how they intend to recruit participants in their country for this training (max ½ page)

Send files to


The deadline for applications is 23:59 CEST July 15, 2022. Successful applicants will be informed by July 19, 2022.

Selection procedure

Priority will be given to researchers interested in working with longitudinal and cohort data on child wellbeing who demonstrate willingness to deliver training to non-scientific audience in their respective countries. The applications will be reviewed by a three-member committee, which will assess each application based on the information provided.


Should you have any questions regarding the call, please contact


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