The key objectives of the COORDINATE project include: initiating a community of researchers working to enhance child wellbeing. Facilitating improved access to longitudinal survey data on child wellbeing. Giving children a voice in research that concerns them.
In order to train researchers studying child and youth well-being to work with research data in the highest possible quality, with care and responsibility, the Slovenian Social Science Data Archives (ADP) organised a 2-day workshop in Ljubljana (check detailed programme). Different aspects of the data management planning (DMP) were covered and practical experiences and knowledge were shared. Irena Vipavc Brvar and Sonja Bezjak as the presenters introduced the participants to the mission of social science data archives, their rich sources of research data and their services for DMP, as well as what data publication in a trusted archive means according to the FAIR principles. Special attention was paid to the protection of personal data as defined by the GDPR. Among other things, we looked at the mandatory content of informed consent, which is one of the legal bases for the processing of personal data. The speaker was Marianne Høgetveit Myhren, Sikt, who was also available for questions.
Participants heard practical experiences from the European projects GUIDE - Growing Up in Digital Europe, the presentation was provided by Toni Babarović, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb and Micreate - Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe, which was presented by Mateja Sedmak, Science and Research Centre Koper.
In the second part of the workshop, participants learned where to look for quality research data and what role data repositories play in this. Finally, participants worked on the preparation of their own DMPs, and the trainers were available for support and consultation. Irena Vipavc Brvar and Sonja Bezjak were available for questions and discussion.
The workshop was attended by researchers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey, including PhD students and researchers with extensive experience of working with sensitive data. The mixed group with different backgrounds had a common motivation to come up with a good data management plan.
The workshop materials are accessible here.
