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2nd COORDINATE statistical course held in Zagreb

Lucija Šutić

The Croatian Social Science Data Archive organized the statistical course "Modeling change: a gentle introduction to cross-lagged and latent growth curve approach". This free, two-day course was the second statistical course organized as part of the COORDINATE project in Zagreb, Croatia. It was delivered by Mitja Ružojčić, PhD and prof. Aleksandar Štulhofer, PhD from September 26 to September 27, 2023.

On the first day, participants had the opportunity to learn more about the characteristics of longitudinal data and structural equation modeling in general. This broader introduction was followed by the lecture on cross-lagged structural equation modeling and practicing this analysis in the statistical program JASP. The second day began with the lecture on cross-lagged mediation analysis, followed by the lecture on and practice of unconditional and conditional latent growth curve analysis.

Early career researchers, all facing the challenge of analyzing longitudinal data, came to Zagreb from all over Europe to participate in this course. Participants discussed when it is justified to use each of these analyzes and what research questions they might answer. At the very end of the workshop, participants also had the opportunity to discuss with the lecturers how they should approach their own data sets and what analyzes would be appropriate for them.

Click HERE to see materials for the course.


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