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The International Advisory Board (IAB) includes representatives within and beyond the EU from academia, politics, and policy, chosen on the basis of complementary expertise to the aims and objectives of COORDINATE and with a view of maximising impact.
Expert | Work | Location | Note |
Dr Michael Bergmann | Munich, Germany | Survey Methodology, Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), Munich | |
Prof. Dr. Ferran Casas Aznar | Spain | Professorof Social Psychology Research Institute on Quality of Life, Universitat de Girona | |
Dr Yekaterina Chzhen | Ireland | Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland | |
Prof. Mick Couper | USA | Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Researchand Adjunct Clinical, Professor of In formation, School of Information, University of Michigan. | |
Dr Galina Daraganova | Australia | Executive General Manager (Business Intelligence, Research & Innovations) at the South Eastern Primary Health Network (SEMPHN) | |
Prof. Rory Fitzgerald | London, UK | Director, European Social Survey, ERIC | |
Dr Hayk Gyuzalyan | Brussels, Belgium | Survey Design and Methodology Consultant | |
Jana Hainsworth | Brussels, Belgium | EU Affairs Professional, Child Rights Advocate, former SecGen @Eurochild | |
Joanna Inchley | Glasgow, Scotland | Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) | |
Dr Karena Jessup | Australia | Evaluation and Research Officer, Department of Health Victoria | |
Prof. Vincent Jaddoe | Rotterdam, The Netherlands | Project Coordinator of the H2020 Life Cycle project | |
Prof. Susan Morton | Sydney, Australia | Director, Research Institute for Innovative Solutions for Well-being and Health (INSIGHT), Faculty of Health,
University of Technology Sydney | |
Gwyther Rees | Florence, Italy | UNICEF Innocenti | |
Dr Jessica Ozan | London, UK | Head of Education, Children and Families, Public Affairs, IPSOS | |
Dominic Richardson | Florence, Italy | The Learning for Well-being Institute | |
Monica Ruiz Casares | Montreal, Canada | Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry,
McGill University | |
Dr Annette Scherpenzeel | Utrecht, The Netherlands | Senior Researcher at Nivel (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research) | |
Simon Sommer | Switzerland | co-CEO, Jacobs Foundation | |
Stephanie Stuck | Germany | Data Base Management, Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) | |
Prof. Dieter Wolke | UK | Project Manager, H2020 RECAP project (pre-term cohort platform, University of Warwick | A member from 1st April 2021 – 5th February 2024 |
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